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您的位置:首页 > 游戏攻略 > fategrandorder精灵根_魔兽争霸地图编辑器精灵进能量圈选英雄怎


2024-12-18 05:02:50



1. 打开魔兽争霸地图编辑器,选择需要编辑的地图。

2. 在地图编辑器中选择“触发器编辑器”选项卡。

3. 在触发器编辑器中,点击“新建触发器”按钮。

4. 在弹出的窗口中,输入触发器名称,并选择“玩家事件”作为触发器类型。

5. 在“事件”下拉菜单中选择“玩家-选择单位”。

6. 在“条件”下拉菜单中选择“无”。

7. 在“动作”下拉菜单中选择“循环(ACTIONS)”。

8. 在“动作”编辑区域中,输入以下代码:

Loop-If (All Conditions Are True) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)



For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)

Loop-If (All Conditions Are True) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)



Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by player (Integer A) matching Excluded: Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount of life) and do (Actions)

Loop-If (All Conditions Are True) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


(Unit-type of (Picked unit)) Equal to Hero


Unit - Add (Picked unit) to HeroGroup

Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Move To (Center of (Playable map area)) with the default facing angle

Unit - Add (Picked unit) to HeroGroup

Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from (Units in (Playable map area) owned by player (Integer A) matching Excluded: Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount of life)

For each (Integer B) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)

Loop-If (All Conditions Are True) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


(Player number of (Triggering player)) Equal to Integer B


Unit Group - Clear HeroGroup

Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) owned by player (Integer B) matching Excluded: Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount of life) and do (Actions)

Loop-If (All Conditions Are True) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)


(Unit-type of (Picked unit)) Equal to Hero


Unit - Add (Picked unit) to HeroGroup

Unit - Order (Picked unit) to Move To (Center of (Playable map area)) with the default facing angle

Unit - Add (Picked unit) to HeroGroup

Unit Group - Remove (Picked unit) from (Units in (Playable map area) owned by player (Integer B) matching Excluded: Dead, Hidden, with at most Any Amount of life)

9. 点击“确定”按钮保存触发器。

10. 在地图编辑器中选择“地形编辑器”选项卡。

11. 在“单位”下拉菜单中选择“能量圈”。

12. 在地图上绘制一个能量圈。

13. 在地图编辑器中选择“单位编辑器”选项卡。

14. 在“单位类型”下拉菜单中选择“英雄”。

15. 在地图上选择一个英雄单位。

16. 在“属性编辑器”中,将英雄单位的“事件-进入范围”属性设置为刚才创建的触发器名称。

17. 保存地图并测试。



3964 浏览 10 回答


2693 浏览 0 回答


Hayao Miyazaki, I should not do too much introduction. Dreamy story, beautifully ornate picture, which means a far-reaching Meaning, these are Hayao Miyazaki works irresistible charm. His works are always people impetuous heart becomes calm, so busy rushing us to find a spiritual home. Hayao Miyazaki from the theme of the anti-war, environmental protection, innocence subtle description to explore the depths of the soul, the pursuit of true love, manners, philosophy, takes us into the world of the dream of each one of us. Hayao Miyazaki's film ages, different people have different experience. Good movie formulas and theorems, only the story, characters, there is a deep impression on emotional.
Hayao Miyazaki did not Disney so fancy, he insisted on hand-drawn rather than computer graphics, to complete their own cartoons. But he knows a cartoon or movie, what will impress the audience, this is the humanities. Hayao Miyazaki 's image is a personal, rather than a perception cartoon.
The movie "Nausicaa" is a work full of war, the reflection of human civilization. About a millennium after the damage of human civilization in the body of the princess Nausicaa in Nausicaa the hardships of war, a red-haired Nausicaa Princess to Yufeng flight to meet all the passion for the of flying imagination.
"Sky City", the story centers around the mainland and the sky to start a very fascinating adventure color of the Age of Discovery. Hayao Miyazaki this time, the tentacles of thought toward the Western world to find the story of the adventures of a young boy from the traditional concept of the Westerners, derivative of a contemporary fable about Habitat for Humanity and the eternal dream. "Castle in the Sky" Music is a peak of all the works of Hayao Miyazaki music touches the soul.
The movie "Totoro" is full of fairy color and warmth of affection, melodious music, clean the screen, the interest of juvenile characters audience success Strip into a fantastic fairy tale world, back to the age of pure innocence. The film's story did not say a big event, just the story of two sisters in a wonderful summer, meet with the elves of the forest of mutual interest. The story and the screen is full of love and affection people feel very warm, lovely, medium and small number Totoro continue to give the audience a very subtle sense of happiness, always keep smiling, people think of cute, kind.
The background of the movie "Princess Mononoke" is a medieval Japanese Muromachi period, describes the struggle between the people, gods, demons, three battle of the performance of a human and animal nature. Through the usual green coat, to see is a compassionate feelings. Hayao Miyazaki movies, the protagonist is always from an objective perspective on the many individuals around. Role in the film using an idealized way, in order to achieve a peaceful purposes. Conflict of interest with their rulers, cruel enemies, or the difficult coexistence of species, the treasure of life, at all the protection of others is a valuable theme in many years. They are always able to put aside personal animosity, and with a spirit of nature, and carries all the beautiful symbiosis desire. This is beyond the ordinary, making the protagonist in the Hayao Miyazaki works have become the ideal figure.
"Spirited Away" is dedicated to the once over 10 years old and about to enter a film of the 10-year-old audience, which in modern Japanese society as a stage, about a 10-year-old little girl Chihiro in order to save his parents, the godsfriendship, growth, and spiritual adventure in the world, and finally back to the story of the human world.
Let us back from "Howl's Moving Castle" can be very objective recognition: Hayao Miyazaki is the mainstay of the Japanese animation industry, one of the finest eclectic. Hayao Miyazaki Perhaps eating a loss of eclecticism, that he can not become a hard, but Hayao Miyazaki accounted for more eclecticism cheap, he became a harvest. He grasped the perfect balance of reality and imagination, to let people know he imagine the world a better, all such hype. Look at his work, like narrow human brain, opening a vast skylight, people can not help believe that the power of a dream, because the existence of the dream is the reason in order to man and God par.From the beginning to now all works, Hayao Miyazaki idea is the development of a consistent and argue card, his world view, history, outlook on life and art concept has a clear context, and ultimately in order to build the perfect world of Hayao Miyazakiwork!


1.9万 浏览 51 回答


1.6万 浏览 311 回答


刀剑乱舞 乙女向游戏




NO.10 古今江湖:奇想江湖


《古今江湖:奇想江湖》是一款国风Roguelite DBG,即构筑式卡牌,融合随机事件和迷宫玩法。这也是少年的梦中世界,在江湖幻境中遇见不同的武侠和各式奇遇。在探索中少年逐渐发掘出江湖世界的…… 挑战幻境- -随机幻境奇遇不断,挑战传说中的带头大哥 自由构筑- -百种武学随机获得,自由构筑独特套路 手绘国风- -奇幻国风,手绘质感畅游梦中幻境 武侠奇遇- -五大职业数十武侠,玩家自立流派!



NO.9 启源女神




NO.8 阴阳师:百闻牌




NO.7 魂器学院





NO.6 大王不高兴





NO.5 月圆之夜





TOP.4 部落:皇室战争


部落皇室战争是以《部落》中的角色和世界观为原型,加入即时策略、MOBA-esque 以及卡牌等元素的推塔游戏,使游戏的玩法更着重于推塔对战。玩家可以通过卡牌召唤怪物和法术,放置在右侧的道路上,让他们缓缓走上去攻击敌对方的城堡;同时,敌对方也会放置怪物和法术在另一条道路上,以攻击我方城堡。双方持续交战,直到一方推倒另一方,使其主城堡被毁便可获得胜利。



TOP.3 Fate Grand Order


《命运冠位指定(Fate/Grand Order)》是一款动漫改编卡牌策略手游!Fate go是由国民男生陈坤代言!追番式故事线为您揭露多重背景设定,百万字剧情构筑宏大世界观。纯正日式RPG,指令卡牌战斗,更有神秘职阶解锁。川澄绫子、植田佳奈、坂本真绫、樱井孝宏、神谷浩史等40多位顶级声优全程配音,武内崇等50余位知名画师联手奉献百余精美角色,带您亲自体验史上最大规模的圣杯战争!FGO等你开战!



NO.2 阴阳师





NO.1 炉石传说手机版




